CAULIFLOWER(Brassica oleracea)~7,000 seeds/oz.

Certified organic cauliflower seeds, Demeter Certified Biodynamic® cauliflower seeds, ecologically grown cauliflower seeds

CF5AMABILECert. OGGoing to try our best to grow this out at some point. Very early cauliflower with tightly crinkled, dark, grey-green leaves and low growing habit. Matures relatively uniformly and therefore has a short harvesting window. Forms healthy and heavy, very solid white heads. High percentage of grade 8 selections. Good resistance against graininess. Fine, delicate taste
S$5.00~20 seeds sold out
M$14.00=1/2 g, ~110 seeds sold out
CF2ODYSSEUSCert. OG70 days.For early planting in the spring or possibly depending on your region's weather autumn planting. Give plenty of water and protection. Does need to fold the leaves over the head when it begins to develop. Does not naturally cover. Small to medium-sized heads with white curds when blanched: tie leaves over forming heads to protect from the sun. Sturdy, compact plants, not self blanching therefore KEEP an eye on them when they are ripening and help them cover their heads by breaking their outside leaves over the cauliflower head. For best results, start in greenhouse then transplant outside. Cultivation instructions:Sow indoors 4 weeks before set out in May or early June. Prick out at true leaf stage to 1" apart .TP outdoors 18" apart.
S$4.00~20 seeds
M$9.00=1/4 g, ~60 seeds
LG$19.00=1 g, ~240 seeds sold out
XL$55.00=2.5 g, ~600 seeds sold out